10 Questions to ask at the end of your job interview (and 10 not to ask).

questions to ask before a job interview

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As your job interview wraps up, you’ll hear a question that most interviewers ask.

‘Do you have any questions for us?’

This is your chance to stand out. But what should you say? And more importantly, what shouldn’t you say?

This is not only an opportunity for an employer to get to know you, but for you to also get to know the employer. Both you and the employer want to come out of the interview confident that you are the best fit for the role.

We know how difficult it can be to think of some questions on the spot. We have put together this guide for you to see which kind of questions you should be asking at your next interview and which to avoid.

Here are 10 questions you can ask at the end of you next job interview:

Do you have any concerns about my experience of qualifications?

We love this question because it’s bold. It shows that you are confident in your abilities, but also able to be vulnerable. It puts you in a position where you might receive some constructive criticism. While allowing you to overcome any potential objections before finishing the interview, this question shows that you are confidently open to discussing your weaknesses. This is a big positive to potential employers.

What do I have to do to succeed in this role?

This question demonstrates that you have an ambition to be successful. It displays the characteristics of someone dedicated, passionate and determined with their goals. Asking this question shows that you do not just want any job, but that you want a role in which you can thrive. It also is a chance for you to get a better understanding of what the company values in its employees.

What are the most challenging aspects of the job?

This question shows a willingness to acknowledge and tackle challenges in the role. It gives a better overview of the role, helping you decide if this is the right fit for you. If the interviewer says that there are no challenges, that’s a red flag.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

As well as giving you a unique insight into the company, this question allows you to connect on a more personal level with the interviewer. If the interviewer struggles to answer, take this as a sign of a red flag. To grow in your career, you must learn to tackle challenges head-on, so you want a role that reflect this growth.

What’s your timeline for making a decision?

This is a brilliant question to end on and one you should ask. It shows that you have a keen interest in progressing in the role. It could also offer useful insights on the number of people you’re currently up against.

How would you describe the company’s culture?

Asking this question at the end of your interview shows that you care about doing a role that is the right cultural fit for you. You can also get an overview of how the company works to prioritise employee satisfaction.

Can you elaborate on the day-to-day responsibilities of the job?

Asking this question allows you to learn as much as possible about the role. You can decide if the role is for you once you get a better understanding from the interviewer about what skills and experience are needed to be successful.

How have people previously succeeded in this role?

If this isn’t a new role being introduced into the company, it’s a great way to see what previous employees did that made them successful. You then know what the employer is looking for, and can compare that to your skillset to see if it fits.

What are your expectations for the role during the first 30 – 60 days?

This is a great way for the interviewer to clarify with you the immediate priorities and expectations of the role. This then allows you to proactively strategize how you would start in the role to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Is there anything else I can provide to help you with your decision?

Asking this question makes sure there is no uncertainty about anything that might affect your application. It also gives you some assurance that you have done everything you can to prove that you would be a great fit.

What not to ask at the end of a job interview:

Now lets look over the question’s that you should avoid asking at your next interview.

What does the job entail?

This is a bad question to ask at the end of the interview as this shows that you have not read the job description properly. It can give off the impression that you don’t care about the job or the organisation. Before any job interview, you should read over the description so you fully know it, and also research the company.

What does the company do?

This question, like the last, shows the employer a lack of attention to detail. If you go into the interview with little to no knowledge of the company, the employer will not be impressed. Most information that you need to know about a company can be found on their website, local listing sites and social media.

Are there any other job openings?

Asking if there are any other job openings shows you are not serious about the role, and may lead the interviewer to think that you lack dedication, or are not passionate about the role that you’re currently being interviewed for.

When can I expect to receive a promotion or raise?

It’s common courtesy to not ask questions about a position’s compensation and benefits package until an official job offer has been made. This can make the employer uncomfortable, or lead them to think that you might not put all your effort into the current role that you’re interviewing for.

Can I work from home?

While some employers do offer working from home, or hybrid roles, it is usually made clear in the job description. Unless you’re applying for one of these positions, don’t ask about the potential to work from home or remotely. This makes you appear disinterested in engaging with the team. Instead, ask questions about team dynamics or company culture, which can provide insightful information about the office environment.

What’s the worst think about working here?

You should always avoid asking questions that have a negative focus. This could impact how the employer perceives you, making you less likely to be successful in the role you are interviewing for. Instead of these kinds of questions, you should ask questions about the company’s challenges and the success they have achieved.

What is the salary?

Usually, the salary is displayed on the job advert, or at least a rough guide as to what the company is paying for the role. If the salary isn’t clear to you, you should ask any questions surrounding this at the time of the job offer.

How long is lunch?

This seems like a fairly obvious question not to ask. Asking about lunch or breaks can suggest to the interviewer that you are more interested in this than the actual role itself – avoid this at all costs!

What time will I finish every day?

Similar to avoiding asking about lunches and breaks, this gives off the impression that you’re not bothered by the role, and just want to know when you can get away. Employers are looking for candidates who show dedication and passion for the role, rather than the lunch breaks and home time.


The questions to ask at the end of a job interview are important in shaping how the employer perceives you. As well as showing your keenness for the role, they show your attitude to your work and how well you understand the role and organisation.

Taking the time to prepare some questions that are relevant and thoughtful displays eagerness and professionalism. On the other hand, posing unsuitable or poorly considered questions might undermine your credibility as a candidate.

Do you have a job interview lined up and are not sure how to prepare? Read our blog here.

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